


拥有沙巴体育的数学学士学位, 你将完全具备理解和思考源头的能力, 影响, 以及在圣经真理的背景下数学知识的目的. 通过你将接受的严格的数学训练, you will be thoroughly prepared for graduate work or a career in 数学.

Whether you're interested in abstract structures or direct models of the physical world, you'll be encouraged to make complex connections between beautiful patterns. Even the most theoretical of mathematical subjects can have powerful applications that inspire interesting ideas. 在斯德维尔, 你将从一个独特的基督教世界观中学习, growing in appreciation for God's beautiful design and viewing all you do as an act of worship to Him.

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彻底的取向 ——大一新生, you will take the introductory course 美丽的数学结构和思维, 专为新生设计的. This course is a “pre-professional” introduction to 数学 that builds community among incoming math majors and offers an exciting introduction to many modern mathematical ideas not seen in calculus class, 比如命题逻辑和谓词逻辑, 集合论和无限基数, n维空间, 分形, 离散 动力系统与混沌.

社区 -因为程序的严谨性和它的小尺寸, 学生之间和教师之间经常互动, 从而建立牢固的关系. 他们还计划偶尔的社交活动来帮助培养孩子 学生之间、学生与教师之间的进一步互动.

良好的准备 -您将获得优秀的指导,并为成功做好准备. Our students who took the ETS Major Field Test in Mathematics placed in the 99th percentile. 本考试考察的是大学生的内容知识 数学.

多样性和灵活性 - Mathematics is a powerful subject that prepares students for a variety of careers in multiple industries. In addition to a strong core of courses that includes calculus and differential equations, 逻辑和方法 的证明, 线性代数, 我们提供各种高级数学课程, 包括理论和沙巴体育选修课程, 比如抽象代数, 真正的变量, 数值分析, 动力系统, 拓扑结构, 数论, 和操作 研究.

  • The BA degree has a strong math curriculum, but also has room to add minors or a double major.
  • 学士学位在数学本身有更多的深度和广度, 哪些是某些行业和研究生院看重的.
  • We also offer a minor in actuarial science that prepares students to pass the first two actuarial exams (and includes some material from other exams) as well as fulfilling some of the VEE (Validation by Educational Experience) requirements of the profession.

顶石的经验 -在你的顶点课程期间, you will choose a mathematical topic that interests you and study it in-depth, both individually and in a group and give a presentation of your findings at the end of the semester. 一些 最近的顶点课题包括计量经济学, 零星组和纠错码, 航空公司计划和恢复, 混乱, 离散

有经验的教师 - You will learn from highly qualified professors with broad and varied 研究 interests, 包括抽象代数, 实复分析, 拓扑结构, 统计数据, 组合, 以及沙巴体育数学. 他们拥有普林斯顿大学等机构的博士学位, 密歇根大学, 俄亥俄州立大学, 等. 他们在锡达维尔是因为他们爱上帝, 享受教学, 珍惜在大学生身上投资的机会, 对数学很着迷!


我们为我们成功的毕业生感到骄傲! 98.1% of recent graduates from the 科学与数学学院 were employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation. 看看Cedarville的其他安置率.


有了数学学位你能做什么? Graduates from our program have pursued a variety of careers, including the following:

  • 林肯金融集团等公司的精算师, WesternSouthern生活, CMG人寿服务, 北卡蓝十字/蓝盾
  • Assistant Head and Scheduling Deputy in the Mathematics Department at Purdue University
  • 网络安全部门,美国.S. 银行
  • Dunnhumby USA的客户分析总监
  • 联邦储备委员会
  • Huntington Ingalls Industries/Newport News Shipbuilding, simulation department
  • 约翰霍普金斯大学沙巴体育物理实验室
  • 弗吉尼亚理工大学数学教育教授
  • ABS的风险分析师,为国防部合同提供咨询
  • Rocket Scientist at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
  • Scientist in Natural Language Processing at Pacific Northwest National Laboratories
  • 亚马逊服务器产品设计财务
  • 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司的软件开发人员
  • 俄亥俄州斯普林菲尔德STEM学院的老师

我们的毕业生也进入研究生院并获得硕士学位 数学和其他领域的学位和博士. 其中一些 研究生院包括:

  • 空军理工学院 (MS, Applied Math; MS, Information Assurance; MS, Engineering; 理学硕士(运筹学)
  • 奥本大学(数学博士)
  • 克莱姆森大学(数学科学博士)
  • 约翰霍普金斯大学(数学博士)
  • 麻省理工学院(MBA,金融)
  • 普渡大学(数学博士)
  • 俄亥俄州立大学(数学教育博士)
  • 密歇根大学(沙巴体育与跨学科数学博士)

Graduate and professional programs and employers welcome Cedarville University graduates each year. It is important to note that some professional career fields you may pursue require additional education, 经验, and/or licensure beyond the completion of your Cedarville University undergraduate degree.


实习 数学专业不需要实习, 但这是一次非常有价值和有益的经历. Our math majors have completed internships with companies and organizations such as the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the 空军理工学院, U.S. 银行(网络安全事业部),以及各类保险公司. 你也可以通过参加an来加强你的数学教育  (本科生研究经历).

会议 - You will have the opportunity to attend undergraduate math conferences at nearby universities, and female students can attend the Nebraska 本科 Conference for Women in Mathematics. 你也可能被提名 to attend the annual Ohio Space Grant Consortium Student Research Project Symposium.

数学的夜晚 - You’ll join your fellow math majors for informal “数学的夜晚” for mathematically minded students and professors.

比赛 - You may be invited to participate in the William Lowell Putnam Mathematics Competition. 普特南考试是一项衡量数学创造力的全国性考试. 最近,一名前500名的沙巴体育学生离开了 of 3,000-4,000), 在莫斯科的数学项目中获得了一席之地, where he spent a semester studying math in Moscow with Russian mathematicians (in English). Also, the 计算机科学 program sponsors an annual Computer Programming contest 很多数学专业的学生都参加了.

校园就业机会 -你将能够在使用数学技能的同时在校园里赚取收入. 你可以通过The Cove辅导学生, 雪松维尔的学术充实中心, 或者你自己私下里, 或者参与其中 通过锡达维尔的基督教事工办公室来辅导事工. 你也可以找到一份给数学教授打分的工作.


建立在你的核心文科和圣经辅修课程,你会 参加数学核心课程,包括微积分1、2和3; Differential Equations; Linear Algebra; Research Methods in Mathematics; 逻辑和证明方法. 在上层,你可以开始 用适合你兴趣和职业的选修课来定制你的学位 目标,无论是理论的还是实际的,然后完成你的 规划你的顶点研究项目.

这个专业是有学位的  本科's-to-master加速 完成计划.

  • 美丽的数学结构和思维
  • 顶点经验的数学


Cedarville offers both graduate and undergraduate programs, with flexible completion options. 你可能也想 consider these related programs as you consider the degree or program that is a best fit for you.


  • 本科
  • 住宅
  • 四年











