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Why Choose a Nurse Practitioner Career?

Nurse practitioner standing in front of patient.

护士从业人员仍然是医疗保健领域最理想的领域之一. 他们不仅给病人的生活带来了实实在在的改变, 执业护士也享有有竞争力的薪水和丰厚的福利.

如果你是一名护士准备在你的职业生涯中迈出下一步, 现在可能是追求护士执业生涯的好时机.

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Posted in DNP MSN MSN Adult Gerontology MSN Family Nurse Practitioner

Choosing Primary Care vs. 护士专业的急症护理

Nursing students working with simulated patient.In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, 执业护士(NPs)在提供以患者为中心的护理方面发挥着关键作用. Among them, 初级保健护士从业人员和急症护理护士从业人员作为医疗保健服务的两个不同的武器脱颖而出. 虽然两者都有同情心和医疗专业知识的核心价值观, their roles, responsibilities, and scopes of practice are very different. How do you decide which is right for you? 让我们来看看初级保健护士从业人员和急症护理护士从业人员的区别.

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Posted in Graduate MSN MSN Adult Gerontology MSN Family Nurse Practitioner MSN Pediatric Nurse Practitioner


Nursing students working with simulated patient.

你可能对公共卫生方面的高等教育感兴趣,但不想花时间, or money, to a master's degree. Is a graduate certificate a good option? Yes, and there are 5 reasons why.

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Posted in Graduate Certificate in Public Health MSN


Pharmacy graduate student in the lab.

研究生院有很多不错的选择. As a Christ-follower, is it that important to choose a Christian university? 商业、护理、制药等领域不应该到处都一样吗? Turns out, they are not.


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Posted in MBA MMin MSN PharmD

Did You Know? Facts About Master's Degrees

Group of graduates facing the stage你知道吗,从2019年到2029年,需要硕士学位的入门级工作预计将增长15%? 近三分之二完成学士学位的学生计划完成硕士学位 degree? 2018-19年度,近1/4的硕士学位获得者是代表性不足的少数族裔, 为他们提供了通往工作保障和更高收入的关键途径?

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Posted in Master of Athletic Training MBA MDiv MMin MSN PharmD


Nurse practitioner standing in front of patient“How do you do it?”

当人们发现我是双轨全日制研究生时,他们通常会问这个问题 Nurse Educator and Family Nurse Practitioner focus areas in the M.S.N. program at Cedarville University. As a wife, mom of three under 12, contingent nurse at an inpatient hospital unit, adjunct clinical professor, and active member of the church, I understood why they were asking. 当我感到上帝呼召我去攻读一个护士教育和家庭护理从业者的学位时, I entered with prayerful fear and trembling. 在我的电脑上——我花了无数个小时(许多是在流行病期间,许多是在漫长的夜晚)——悬挂着以下5条指导原则,帮助我平衡我的工作, family, and graduate school.

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Posted in MSN


by Scott Long, MS, RN, AGACNP-BC, CCRN

Nurse caring for a child in hospital重症监护是一份我从护理学校的第一天起就感到被召唤的工作,并从那时起扩展了我的技能,成为重症监护病房的急症护理护士. I have felt blessed and honored to be a person 神赐给他们能力安慰病人和/或家属. 这是一份压力很大的工作,可能会有回报,但也会让你独自哭泣着走出工作岗位,或者在同事的臂弯里哭泣. The COVID-19 pandemic has added even more 压力,焦虑,甚至倦怠,但这正是我们需要一个强大的支持系统的人. We can confide in others but, ultimately, 我们可能会被自己的职业所束缚,跟上最新的信息 we lose time with God. 如果有什么事是我们比以往任何时候都更需要做的,那就是花时间在神的话语和祷告中,让我们在个人和职业生活的风暴中获得精神和精神上的力量.

Over the last 18 months, 我们目睹了COVID-19从最初的遥远发展起来, unless you lived in China, where it all started. 这种病毒的传播范围扩大了,其影响变得明显,因为它剥夺了医院的重症监护 beds in certain areas to even have the U.S. 海军向洛杉矶和纽约部署了医疗船,撒玛利亚救援会部署了灾难援助反应小组(DART),在中央公园和意大利建立了野战医院 为扩大重症监护能力提供机会. 现在我们看到Delta变体延伸到医疗保健, 医院不仅有COVID,还有一般的高敏度患者. It feels we are continuing in disaster response status. As Christian health workers, 在这个时候,我们的观点和反应应该是什么?我们如何帮助减少护士的职业倦怠?

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Posted in MSN


当你考虑继续研究生教育,成为一名家庭护士执业者(FNP), 重要的是,你要问正确的问题,为自己的成功做好准备. M.S.N. FNP项目需要临床时间来完成学位. 对许多学生来说,获得临床实习是一项挑战,也是压力的来源. 如果你打算继续研究生教育,成为一名FNP,你应该考虑三个重要的问题: 1. Is it possible to work full time while...
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Posted in MSN